Pre-Analytics Services

About Us

Eurofins Clinical Genetics opened its doors in early 2024, for the first time bringing private commercial genetic testing to the shores of Ireland.

We are a team of dedicated experts in the fields of Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing, Oncology, Nutrigenetics and Gynaecology looking to change the face of genetic testing in Ireland for future generations.

Located in our state of the art laboratory in the Trinity Centre for Health Sciences at St. James Hospital Dublin, our team is ready to help you discover all the possibilities of genetic testing. Whether you are interested in sourcing NIPT services for your patients or learning more about preventative health testing with Nutrinext wellness testing, we will be here to help.

Why not contact us today through our contact form below, the possibilities are endless.

Hatch Opening Hours
Monday - Friday: 8am - 4pm
Saturday: 8am - 4pm
Sunday and Public Holidays: Closed

Pre-Analytics of samples for genetic testing is carried out by our sister company, Eurofins Biomnis, at their Blackthorn Road site in Sandyford (details at the bottom of the page).

The vast majority of erroneous results are caused by errors made during sample collection and transport, rather than analytical errors within the laboratory. For this reason, it is essential that correct procedures are followed for patient preparation, sample collection, sample preparation, and sample transport. The following procedures should always be followed.

1. Patient Identification: We require at least two identifiers for every patient, both on the request form and on each sample tube. A minimum of the following are required: surname and given name, date of birth. If these are not present, the samples cannot be processed.

2. Sample Collection: Maternal Peripheral Whole Blood

  • Eurofins Clinical Genetics Ireland provide a sample collection kit specifically for NIPT (Prenatalsafe®). To order this kit, please email
  • NB: Only Streck tubes may be used for the collection of whole blood for NIPT.
  • Carefully remove the Prenatalsafe® sleeve and open the box to retrieve the components required for blood collection.
  • Write the ‘Blood Draw Date’ in the designated field on the patient Request & Consent Form.
  • Write the patient first name, surname, and date of birth in the fields provided on the Streck tube label.
  • Apply a tourniquet approximately 6 cm above the selected venipuncture site (must not exceed one minute of use) and cleanse the area with an alcohol wipe.
  • Remove the plastic cover from the rubber-protected needle and attach the end of the butterfly to the vacutainer by gently twisting.
  • Insert the butterfly needle into the patient’s vein.
  • Once there is a flashback of blood, insert the Streck tube into the green attachment.
  • Collect approximately 10 mL (minimum 8 mL) of peripheral blood into the Streck tube. Do not fill the Streck tube completely, as a full tube may lead to improper insertion of the tube stopper.
  • Release the tourniquet prior to removing the needle. Place a cleansing wipe over the puncture site while removing the needle and then press it firmly on the puncture site before applying a plaster.
  • Gently invert the Streck tube 10 times.
  • Dispose of used material in accordance with local clinical waste procedures.

Samples with inadequate volume or that are sent in non-validated or expired tubes will be rejected.

3. Buccal Swabs

Eurofins Biomnis provide a Buccal Swab kit. To order this kit, please email

  • For Prentalsafe® COMPLETE, Prentalsafe® COMPLETE Plus, and Prenatalsafe® Full Risk samples, ensure the biological father’s information is written on both the Buccal Swab tube and the Request & Consent Form.
  • Write the date of sample collection on the Buccal Swab tube.
  • Remove the lid from the Buccal Swab tube and use the swab end to firmly scrape both inner cheeks of the father.
  • Firmly recap the tube and place it in the specimen holder slot.

Samples with inadequate volume or that are sent in non-validated or expired tubes will be rejected.

4. Packaging & Shipping:

Streck tubes and Buccal Swabs are to be stored at room temperature or refrigerated at 2-8°C until shipment. Samples should be shipped between 4°C and 30°C.

Do not keep Streck tubes in the freezer. Samples must be sent to the laboratory using the transport container provided, assembled to UN 3373 standards. Following blood draw, samples should be shipped as soon as possible.

Please follow the instructions below for packaging and shipping the samples:

  • Place the Streck tube (containing the maternal whole blood) and Buccal Swab (if relevant) in the specimen holder slots.
  • Place the patient Request & Consent Form and the specimen holder into the Prenatalsafe® box.
  • Retrieve the provided security seals from the box, close the box, replace the Prenatalsafe® sleeve on the box, and apply one security seal to each of the two short sides of the box. Ensure each seal covers both the sleeve and the box.
  • Organise sample collection:

Driver pickup: Email Eurofins Lablink on to schedule a collection by a Eurofins driver.

Samples must arrive at the laboratory within five days from blood draw for a validated result.

Contact Us

If you have a specific enquiry regarding test results please contact directly.

If you have an issue with any of our services please click the link HERE and complete our contact form

Eurofins, Blackthorn Road Site Sample Reception

Public Opening Hours:
Monday to Sunday: 8.30am - 5.30pm

Unit 3, Sandyford Business Centre, Sandyford Business Park, Blackthorn Road, Dublin 18,D18 E528,Ireland

Eurofins Lablink

Tel: 1800 252 967

Eurofins Client Services

Public Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday: 8.30am - 5.30pm
Tel: 1800 252 966