Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing

Prenatalsafe® detects aneuploidy, structural chromosomal abnormalities and genetic diseases

Prenatalsafe® is a non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT) designed to detect the presence of chromosomal errors and genetic diseases in the developing fetus during early pregnancy (from 10 weeks). The tests are non-invasive and are performed on a simple blood sample from the mother, thus minimising risk to the fetus. The tests analyse fetal genetic material that occurs naturally in the mother’s blood during pregnancy. We offer various options of Prenatalsafe® from basic (Prenatalsafe 3) that includes three chromosomes (21, 18 and 13) to comprehensive Prenatalsafe Complete Plus which identifies many more. for the full list of Prenatalsafe® tests please refer to the chart below.

Why take this test?

Unfortunately, the prevention of chromosomal abnormalities during pregnancy is impossible. NIPT for the detection of chromosomal and genetic errors make it possible for prospective parents to receive information about the health of their baby as soon as possible. This enables them along with their clinician to make informed decisions about crucial medical management, their pregnancy, and the future of their family.

How do I order this test?
Speak to your doctor, midwife, or consultant if you are interested in any of the NIPT options provided by Eurofins Clinical Genetics Ireland. Your healthcare provider will be sent your results and advise you on the next steps.

  • IT'S SIMPLE - A simple blood sample at 10+ week of pregnancy, from which the circulating foetal DNA is analysed.
  • IT'S RELIABLE - 99.9% sensitivity for trisomy 21,18 13 (Pertile et al., 2021).
  • IT'S SAFE - It is a non-invasive test, no risk to the foetus or the mother.
  • IT'S SENSITIVE - It allows detecting chromosomal aneuploidies even at low quantities of foetal DNA (2%), unlike other tests that require a quantity of foetal DNA> 4%.
  • IT'S QUICK - Thanks to the new high-resolution FAST technology, the PrenatalSAFE test results will be available from 3 working days (for the standard Prenatalsafe® 3 & 5 tests).
  • IT'S CLEAR -Prenatalsafe® is the non-invasive prenatal test that provides the clearest results: aneuploidy DETECTED or aneuploidy NOT-DETECTED, within the limits of resolution of the method

It's Safe


It's Simple

7-10 ml blood sample

It's Fast

Results from 2-5 working days
(Prenatalsafe 3 & 5)

It's Reliable

99.9% sensitivity for Trisomy 21, 18, 13 (Pertile et al. 2021)

It's Sensitive

Results available with just 2% fetal fraction

It's Clear


Prenatalsafe® is the most technologically advanced non-invasive prenatal test currently available

By analysing the cell-free fetal DNA (cffDNA) circulating in the mother’s blood, this new non-invasive prenatal test can screen for chromosomal aneuploidies and or serious genetic disease of the developing fetus.

*Prenatalsafe® 3 and 5 by Eurofins Clinical Genetics.
Further testing such as 5 DiGeorge is referred by Eurofins Biomnis IE (Sandyford) to our sister laboratory in Eurofins Genoma. All referral tests will be referred by Eurofins Biomnis Sandyford to Eurofins Genoma directly.

How does it work?

During pregnancy, some fragments of the baby's DNA circulate in the mother's blood. Fetal DNA is detectable starting from the 5th week of gestation. Its concentration increases through gestation and disappears immediately after delivery.

The quantity of fetal DNA circulating from the 10th week of gestation is sufficient to guarantee the high specificity and sensitivity of the test.
The test is performed on a blood sample from the mother with a gestational age of at least 10 weeks.

Through a specialised laboratory process, the cell-free circulating fetal DNA is isolated from the plasma of the maternal blood sample.

Subsequently, the entire fetal genome (cfDNA) is sequenced, using the innovative
massive parallel sequencing (MPS) / Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) platforms from ILLUMINA.

The chromosomal DNA sequences are finally analysed by a bioinformatics tool to determine the presence of any fetal chromosomal aneuploidies or structural abnormalities.

Prenatalsafe ® is useful in case of:

Single pregnancies

Conceived through natural conception or assisted reproductive techniques.

Twin pregnancies

Conceived through natural conception or assisted reproductive techniques.

Previous Miscarriage

Pregnancies ended in miscarriage or voluntary termination.

Which test should I choose?

What tests would suit the following scenarios:

I would like the most comprehensive test for my baby.
The Prenatalsafe® Complete Plus is the most comprehensive NIPT package that covers all chromosomes, 9 micro-deletions and single gene disorders including common inherited diseases such as cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anaemia.

I would like the basic package that replicates the NHS NIPT test for high risk mothers.
The Prenatalsafe® 3 & 5 are our basic packages that would come closest to the NHS test. The Prenatalsafe® 3 covers the common trisomies 13, 18 and 21.  Prenatalsafe® 5 covers the common trisomies in addition to sex chromosomal aneuploidies. The sex of the baby can also be requested.

My ethnic group has a high incidence rate of either sickle cell anaemia, cystic fibrosis or thalassemia, can we test my baby for these single gene disorders?
The Prenatalsafe® Complete or Prenatalsafe Complete Plus packages will test for these common inherited disorders. The difference between the two is that Prenatalsafe® Complete Plus includes our 9 microdeletion panel whilst the Prenatalsafe® Complete does not. You could also potentially choose the Full Risk screen which adds a carrier screen for the parents onto the Prenatalsafe® Complete Plus package. This would only screen the parents, and not the baby, to see if they are carriers for an additional 25 common inherited single gene disorders besides sickle cell anaemia, cystic fibrosis and thalassemia.

What would you describe as the most cost effective test?
The Karyo Plus is a mid-tier test in terms of cost but covers 99.1% of all chromosomal abnormalities observed at birth. It screens all chromosomes and includes our 9 micro-deletion panel.

What is the lowest cost test ?
The PrenatalSAFE 3 test is our lowest cost test and covers the basic trisomies 13, 18 and 21. It also allows for the sex of the baby to be requested.

To Learn more about commercially available methods for NIPT

Click below for the PrenatalSAFE brochure

Click below for the PrenatalSAFE Request Form

Click the Illumina White Paper below

Contact Us

If you have a specific enquiry regarding test results please contact directly. Alternatively, you can fill out our contact form HERE

If you have an issue with any of our services please click the link HERE and complete our contact form

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Public Opening Hours:
Monday to Sunday: 8.30am - 5.30pm

Unit 3, Sandyford Business Centre, Sandyford Business Park, Blackthorn Road, Dublin 18,D18 E528,Ireland

Eurofins Lablink

Tel: 1800 252 967

Eurofins Client Services

Public Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday: 8.30am - 5.30pm
Tel: 1800 252 966
How does it work?
Which test should I choose?
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