
Next Generation Oncology Diagnostics

Onconext is a Eurofins Genoma Group division dedicated entirely to oncology. The division includes a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals specialised in the molecular biology and genetics of solid tumours. Onconext tests are designed to detect somatic and germline mutations from blood or tissue biopsy samples.

The introduction of germline mutation screening, related to inherited solid tumours, has allowed, not only the prognosis of potential pathologies through personalised supervision programs, but also the management of patients when targeted pharmacological treatments are needed.

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Since 1953, with Watson and Crick discovery of DNA double helix, it begins molecular biology and genetics era. The medicine immediately enjoys the benefits deriving from the discoveries of these new scientific areas, and in the ’70s the first “proto-oncogene” was discovered, is a gene that codify for a protein that regulates cell proliferation. Between the 80s and the 90s, with the advent of PCR and of the “Human Genoma Project”, “tumour suppressor genes” are detected, and they, unlike proto-oncogenes, limit cell proliferation; besides, the first “targeted” medicines able to distinguish and hit only diseased tissues sparing healthy ones have been developed.
The publication of the complete map of human genome represents the real turning point of oncology. Molecular targeted therapies are considered the new frontier in the treatment of tumour. Compared to traditional chemotherapies, limited by the inability to act in a selective way damaging indiscriminately all high reproductive cells, targeted therapies can damage only tumour cells by recognising special receptors on their membranes. Even if new therapies act in a targeted way, they are responsible for a good number of side effects, although different from classic chemotherapies, and today clinical research is almost exclusively oriented in this direction.
The future in oncology, like any other science, is unpredictable but the past and present successes are able to create a scenario for better future perspectives for patients, and for high-risk individuals, compared to a few decades ago. Comforting results emerge from recent discoveries about immunology applied in oncology field, of “cell” therapies employing stem cells, nanotechnologies and epigenetic drugs. Although it is believed the right direction has been taken, it is still early for considering cancer a closed chapter, and a long journey of research and successes is still necessary.
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Cancer mortality continues to decrease.

Decreasing between -7% and -10%

(Standardized mortality rate for the European population by geographical area and sex)
- Data source Airtum 2016.


ONCONEXT RISK includes Genoma Group’s tests dedicated to the study of germline mutations, present in all the cells of the individual and transmissible to offspring, which are firmly believed to be involved in hereditary tumour development.

The studied mutations are localized on genes that codify for proteins with the role of tumour suppressors (negative control of cell proliferation, DNA repairing and apoptosis regulation) and that limit their biological function.

Carriers of these mutations have higher predisposition of developing tumour pathologies.

Following daily exposure to mutagenic factors, tumour suppression activities could be compromised, more favourably than the general population, leaving free to act potential tumour suppressor genes (function of cell cycle progression and cell proliferation) deriving from proto oncogenes, also triggered by the exposure to mutagenic agents.

ONCONEXT RISKTM Tests are performed by a peripheral EDTA blood sample, a sample of 3-5ml is sufficient.


The ONCONEXT LIQUIDTM CNV test is a genome-wide next-generation sequencing (NGS)-based assay designed for detection of gains and losses (Copy Number Variations – CNVs) of large chromosome sections in the genome of cancer cells by analysing circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) from a plasma sample of patients. The identification of CNVs across the genome is a consequence of genomic instability (Copy Number Instability), hallmarks of cancer cells, and indicates tumour existence or progression.

The ONCONEXT LIQUIDTM CNV test is suitable for therapy monitoring for patients with chemotherapy or immunotherapy and for relapse monitoring after tumour resection.

ONCONEXT LIQUIDTM genetic tests by Genoma Group were planned for the study of somatic mutations of circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) in peripheral blood in oncologic patients, or at high risk to become one.

The ctDNA study, also called liquid biopsy, is the most innovative instrument the oncologist can use today. Through Onconext LiquidTM, liquid biopsy by Genoma Group, the clinician can properly perfect the diagnosis and prognosis of the oncologic patient, and can detect in a high risk patient the presence of somatic mutations that, if they change significantly over time, may be indicative of the presence of tumour focus diagnosable, thanks to this technology, in a very early period.

Onconext LiquidTM do not replace tissue biopsy, which remain the gold standard for the first morphological/histological diagnosis and the main DNA source for the study of the genomic profile of the pathology, but confirms and deepens the information obtained.

Onconext LiquidTM is also the best substitute test of traditional biopsy in all those situations in which the latter finds a limited use in relation to its characteristics of invasiveness.

With ONCONEXT LIQUIDTM, liquid biopsy by Genoma Group, it is possible, not only to confirm molecular information on tissue biopsy provided by classic invasive technique, but also to expand the result thanks to the greater representativeness of genomic heterogeneity provided by ctDNA (circulating tumor DNA in peripheral blood).

benefits are not limited to the quality improvement of the information obtained, but they allow dynamic study with accessible costs and a good patient tolerance.

ONCONEXT LIQUIDTM Tests are performed by a peripheral blood sample, a sample of 8-10ml is sufficient.


ONCONEXT LIQUIDTM Scan is a genetic test planned for oncologic use on patient at high risk of developing a tumour. The test detects the presence of somatic mutations (even before the tumour can be detected with traditional techniques) known as tumour “driver mutations”, as an innovative instrument in personalised surveillance programs.

Early diagnosis, in asymptomatic individuals, may allow more effective treatments with a consequent raise of the survival rate. Many types of tumour develop silently with local invasiveness and are clinically undetectable until reaching a considerable mass with subsequent diagnostic delay.

Onconext LiquidTM Scan, liquid biopsy by Genoma Group, dedicated to high oncological risk patients, allows detecting ctDNA spread in the bloodstream even from very small lesions.

Example of high risk people for which it is useful to include Onconext LiquidTM Scan in personalised surveillance programs:

  • Significant family history of tumour correlated in literature to mutations on genes in the investigated panel
  • Known genetic predisposition (germline mutation) for an inherited tumour
  • Personal history of smoking, or extended exposure to passive smoking
  • Extended exposure to carcinogenic agents such as: pollution, radiations, UV rays and manipulation of antiblastics
  • Prolonged treatments with hormonal therapies (fertility drugs, hormone replacement therapies containing progesterone)
  • Chronic or infectious diseases predisposing to tumour development


The ONCONEXT LIQUIDTM Monitor tests were planned for oncological use on patients who have already been diagnosed with tumour, with different diagnostic and clinical purposes:

  • Providing a tumour profiling for the correct application of precision medicine. OncoNext Liquid™Monitor tests can provide the oncologist with information that is useful to shape a personalised treatment plan
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of the recommended therapy by detecting the presence of mutations before and during treatment
  • Monitoring the residual disease and/or the presence of early relapse in the patient with known mutations in primary tumour, in particular in cases in which patients have undergone a tumour resection and/or are in remission period
  • Assisting the oncologist in choosing new treatment options when the patient develops resistance to the underway therapy
  • Providing an alternative method of biopsy when the tissue is difficult or impossible to reach, or when in addition to the primary site of the disease in metastatic phase, can be present unknown sites, or when tissue quantity obtained by traditional biopsy sample is not sufficient for molecular genotyping
  • Providing prognostic information
  • Being supportive for a patient admission to a Clinical Trial: it is an additional function of OncoNext Liquid™Monitor test, to outline the patient and his or her disease properly in order to identify any ongoing clinical trial in which the patient fall into eligibility criteria.

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